Cryotherapy is a great way to burn calories and lose weight.
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Cryotherapy for weight loss
Did you know that whole body cryotherapy turns your body into a calorie-burning machine? You can burn anywhere from 500-800 extra calories from ONE cryotherapy session!
So how does it work?
Your body is designed to maintain a normal temperature (98.6 is the average). When you step into our whole-body cryotherapy chamber for 3 minutes your internal body temperature can drop under 50 degrees.! Now… that might sound like a lot for your body to handle, but our bodies are equipped with systems that allow us to maintain our body temperature (reptiles are not quite as fortunate).
Cryotherapy chamber
But these systems require A LOT of energy to use. Calories are our bodies’ source of energy – just like gasoline is the energy used in cars. In the process of burning calories, your body produces heat, which is how your internal body temperature will go back to normal and rises quickly in the few short minutes following a cryotherapy session. Some people often feel a little hungrier on a day that they do a cryotherapy session – and that’s because their bodies are metabolically supercharged!
Cryotherapy has many benefits.
Passive Excercise?
You probably should not work out 7 days a week. But what happens on your rest day when you don’t burn enough calories? With Cryotherapy you can burn calories while helping your body to recover faster. This is what we call active recovery. It is why cryotherapy is so effective for weight loss .Some people with excess energy struggle to sleep on their rest days also and cryotherapy will help burn off that excess energy so that you can sleep better. Proper sleep is critical for weight loss because it affects your cortisol levels.
Cryotherapy for exercise
Modern cryotherapy was pioneered in Japan during the 1970s. A Dr used cryotherapy to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Not only did his patients see the direct benefits of reduced inflammation but they were also able to exercise and increase their physical activity and that brought many other health benefits as well. One of the most significant benefits was weight loss. Today many people use it to recover quicker from injuries or soreness caused by frequent training. The fast recovery means that they can train more often. This is another way that people use cryotherapy for weight loss.
Come visit Recovery Science Inc. to feel the benefits of cryotherapy.
Cryotherapy is a proven tool
Cryotherapy for weight loss is effective because of the norepinephrine and adrenaline release. These are both hormones that are released when the body is exposed to extreme cold. These hormones not only help with recovery and energy, but they leave you energized and motivated to get back in the game faster. When you feel better and you are likely to push yourself a little bit harder, which will enhance your metabolism as well.
It is important to keep in mind that that cryotherapy can only enhance your metabolism when you have a proper diet and exercise in place. If you need help getting your nutrition in check, contact our NUTRITIONIST at Recovery Science. All NUTRITION Programs come with a FREE Personal Training session at a local affiliate gym.
Reach your fitness or physical goals
Localized cryotherapy, like Cryo-T Shock, is also a safe and effective non-surgical option to remove stubborn fat (adipocytes) cells. When your fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, they crystallize and go through a process called apoptosis, or natural cell death. Once the fat cells have died, they are excreted from the body and are gone for good! Inquire today about Cryo T-Shock Fat Removal!
This is just another way that people use cryotherapy for weight loss.